Since 2014, Writers Bloc has published hundreds of emerging writers and provided feedback to a community of over 10,000 creative minds. We also hold events across Australia and provide a place for writers across the world to connect with others online.
We're proud to have sought out and provided a platform for diverse voices and important ideas, and helped discover and nurture rising stars in the creative fields. Most importantly, we draw on established and experienced writers and editors, to pass on the lessons every young writer needs to know.
All of this costs money, however, and in order to continue to publish new voices, and nurture the next generation of literary stars, we could use your help.
We've set up a Patreon page, and are asking our readers who enjoy our content and resources to contribute. If you enjoy our site, and would like us to continue to do what we do, any and all donations gratefully accepted. Can you spare a dollar? We'd love to have it. If everyone who reads could spare they change they'll find down the back of the couch tonight, we could use it to change the world! Our corner of it at least. Thank you.
Writers Bloc Community
The Writers Bloc is a community for writers. We provide free anonymous workshopping, advice, events, opportunities, and a paid publishing platform.