This is episode two of 'What is She Doing?' our new video series featuring Bri Lee. 
Bri is a Brisbane-based freelance writer and the founder of the feminist interview series Hot Chicks with Big Brains. She’s also a Judge's Associate who’s on the cusp of giving up her legal career to chase her dreams of being a writer. You can watch the first episode clicking here.
Check out Episode Two of What is She Doing as the GRIM REALITY of Bri's choice sinks in, she meets with her writing mentor, and she starts to make House of Cards-style power moves/gets a library card.
You can check out Tiana Templeman's site by clicking here.
Or check out Buzzcuts by clicking here.
And finally, you can support Bri and Hot Chicks with Big Brains by buying a tote bag or t-shirt. It's Christmas! Do it!
If you like this, and of course you do, click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow the rest of the series.
Bri Lee
Bri Lee is a Brisbane-based writer and the founder of Hot Chicks with Big Brains. She also works in photography, videography, and editing, and her work has appeared in Scum, Voiceworks, Acclaim, and Spook.